Some of us have faith and this belief helps to hold us in times of uncertainty. Others believe in fate and that enables them to take an appropriate stance when making plans for their future. What are we moving forward towards?
For each of us it is something to lean on and it enables us to have hopes, plans, goals and aspirations. Neither approach guarantees predictability so we can only do our best and leave the rest up to God, fate or spirit – depending on our perspective on things. ‘Faith is taking the first step even when you don’t see the whole staircase.’ Martin Luther King Jr.
For some, mindfulness and being in the moment is the best way to approach life. If your particular personality gets so caught up in worries about the future that you cannot focus on anything in the immediate present then it would benefit you to develop the ability to be in the moment. If, on the other hand, you have a healthy respect for the present and can give it the attention it deserves then you might want to develop the ability to have an eye on your future and appreciate how your current choices might impact on your future. Not in such a way that it paralyses you from doing anything, but just that you weigh up things and make the best choice you are capable of.
When I worked as a school’s careers adviser I remember some of the more academic students being particularly stressed about their future. They expected so much of themselves that they seemed to want guarantees that, for example, a language degree would get them to the UN or a business degree would get them a career in the City of London. Neither faith nor fate can tell us what will happen to us in our lifetime. In The Soul’s Code, James Hillman speaks of life being ‘foreordained yet not foretold.’
So do you have faith in anyone or anything? How do you keep hope when the evidence is not always visible? Are you so scared of being disappointed that you believe in nothing and no one? How does that affect your day-to-day choices? Is this an area you would like to explore in more detail? Leave a comment here and have the conversation with the people in your life.