Marianne Williamson in London

I saw Marianne speak at Alternatives in London a couple days ago and wanted to record something here.  At this time when there is so much conflict and stress in the world it’s good to have other voices.  She does not ignore the problems but talks of us needing to come together to find a new way to unite good actions and have a positive impact.  Marianne is wise, confident, charismatic and caring.  I am amazed at how she can speak of God and not sound religious but spiritual.  In the Q&A that followed she showed great empathy to those asking difficult questions, wanting guidance on working through their painful experiences.  Very moving.

This is not so much a summary of what was said but noting the aspects that resonated:

  • We find God through and in each other
  • We can value the differences and separateness of our embodied selves but would do well to recognise ourselves as spiritual beings also
  • Our assignment is to be our authentic selves and take responsibility for our lives 100% of the time
  • We may already know what we feel called to do in life so now it’s about taking action

Do any of these ideas resonate with you?

Love after Love by Derek Walcott

The time will come

when, with elation,

you will greet yourself arriving

at your own door, in your own mirror,

and each will smile at the other’s welcome.

and say, sit here. Eat

You will love again the stranger who was your self.

Give wine. Give bread. Give back your heart

to itself, to the stranger who has loved you

all your life, whom you ignored

for another, who knows you by heart.

Take down the love letters from the bookshelf,

the photographs, the desperate notes,

peel your own image from the mirror.

Sit. Feast on your life.

“Love after Love” from COLLECTED POEMS 1948-1984 by Derek Walcott. Copyright © 1986 by Derek Walcott. Reprinted by permission of Farrar, Straus and Giroux, LLC

Film: Inception

I very much enjoyed watching Inception recently. The concept of the film is very intriguing as it proposes that we can infiltrate peoples’ dreams with ideas and convince them that the ideas are theirs. When said out loud it is hard to believe that this is possible – surely we all know what is our idea and what ideas we have picked up form others, don’t we? I have to admit here that it is not always clear: many of our ideas and actions are influenced by several people.

This is why advertising works. When faced with a new idea, in the correct package, we embrace it and buy in to it.  In the past we may have been able to trace our purchase to a particular iconic advert – Nescafe, and Boddingtons come to mind, but we now consume so much media that we can’t always remember where or when were presented with an idea. Human nature is social and we want to build relationships and feel we belong.  Allowing other people to plant ideas in our minds can help that process.  We do need to share our ideas and have them grow and evolve.

Maybe the only thing to take from this is to monitor what we watch and listen to. If we surround ourselves with negative input and half-truths then that will affect our view of life negatively.  If we surround ourselves with hardworking, engaged and forgiving people then our life would be very different from the previous scenario.

Another aspect of the film was about what we store in our unconscious, and how that has an impact on what we project onto the world. So, we think our unconscious is fully hidden but sometimes our behaviours say what is really going on underneath.  But how do ideas get into our unconscious?  Well that has been built up over time and through our life’s experiences.

Having watched the film I feel very aware of how fragile our mental health can be – and proud that I allowed myself to trust the film and go on the journey. I did not know how it would end but was very relieved by the ending. (It was completely absorbing and I don’t think it was because I was on a flight.)

At one point it transpires that one of the leading women enjoyed regular trips of fantasy which eventually lead to her losing her grip on reality.  This is not entirely surprising.

The movie also demonstrates: standing by your word, taking a leap of faith, and doing your best to hold on to your family. These are great values that we can all respect whilst recognising the challenges therein.

Another theme being explored in the movie is that of being haunted by your spouse after they’ve died or, you could say, struggling to put to rest the memory of a beloved spouse. It seems a theme Leonardo Di Caprio is keen to explore as it also underlies his other recent movie Shutter Island. Again issues of reality and fantasy are explored and we come to the thought that what is real depends on our perspective?

Have you seen the film Inception and how did you get on with it?

A new year – looking back and looking forward

So here we are – 31st December 2010.  How has 2010 been for you?  For many of us it would have been filled with good and bad, things we can change and things we can’t.  Like many people I have achieved some things I desire but not others.   We may be the only people who truly know what we want to put in and get out of our life.

I come to the end of 2010 with great gratitude for the many things that have gone well.  I feel reasonably healthy and safe.  I have good relationships and the opportunity and potential to continue to develop my skills and talents in various areas.  I am really pleased I took the leap of faith to publish my first book, launching it in the U.K. and in the Caribbean.  In that respect I’ve felt the fear and done it anyway.

Individually we may have many hopes and fears for 2011.  Some things are within our power; others are not.   For me a new year is about maintaining what is working well and reducing what is not working.  I value my relationships and my health and will continue to do so.  I intend to take another leap and write and publish another book – more info in due course.  I intend to improve my practice around meditating, exercising and de-cluttering.  These areas impact my mind, body and spirit so they are important.

Have you had a chance to reflect on the passing year and consider what you would like more or less of in 2011?  What would you like to see/do/feel/experience?  Do let me know.

I also hope that leaders and those with power are able to have a positive impact on our lives.  Despite the various troubled spots in the world, people are generally peaceful and generous.

Peace and love to you and yours.  Happy New Year.