An A-Z for your life – Journey

Appreciating who you are cannot be done in the time it takes you to read this post. I have included in these posts (and the book) some of the key things I have discovered in my life to date.  This is the result of my age, having lived in three different countries and my experience of three career paths including the study of psychology, sociology and counselling.  So it is an accumulation of my experience so far and undoubtedly part of my life’s journey.

Journey copy

What has your life journey been like so far and have you begun to make sense of it?  Is it all ahead of you or all behind you?  How does that affect your day-to-day choices?  For me I am grateful to my past and hopeful about my future whilst feeling that my current opportunities are good enough.  It is up to me to make the best of what is available to me rather than focusing on what is imperfect.  (Imperfection is part of the human condition and provides us all with opportunities to be vulnerable).  I certainly feel that I am now on my individual life journey even though I don’t know what happens next.  Do you have a sense of having a past, present and future?

The sense of life being a journey can help us gain perspective.  If we use the metaphor of travel then we can appreciate that sometimes we will like the scenery and other times we really want to get out of town.  Some paths are easy to walk through and others require us to accept assistance.  We may see others on our journey who appear to be having an easier or more difficult time.  Making comparisons can be a distraction to keeping on our own path.  We may feel we are running a marathon or a short sprint, doing hurdles or mountain climbing!   Henry David Thoreau says that ‘what lies behind us and what lies ahead of us are tiny matters compared to what lives within us.’

What opportunities do our journeys present for us and for those we meet?  How do we cope with the difficulties and the privileges?  What do we protect and what can we share with others we meet on the way?  Maybe we can only appreciate a journey when we’ve got to the end and reflected on where we have been.  It may be that we have time at the end to do this or it may be that others do that for us.  It does not matter; our journey is ours and no one else’s.

How do you feel about your journey so far – share your thoughts

A new year – Is there anything you’d like to change for 2012?

As I get older I really appreciate the opportunity of a new year.  It gives me a chance to reflect on how I spend my time, looking back, looking forward and in the present.We do not need to feel overwhelmed by setting unreachable goals.


It could simply be an opportunity to change our direction slightly.  This could be as simple as being more adventurous or having more fun or keeping in touch with more friends.


If we’ve had a difficult year, then maybe just keeping going is achievement enough.



A new year can be a chance to reconnect to our heart’s desire for our life.


If you have not read it yet, my book An A-Z for your life is a good way to start exploring different aspects of who you are and what you want from life.


For 2012, I would like to keep many things as they are but there are a few things I’d like to change.

For me:

  • More writing
  • Less over thinking
  • More exercising
  • Less rushing around
  • More meditation/quiet time

Is there anything you would like to change?

Please leave your comments below to share your hopes for 2012.  Thanks

A new year – looking back and looking forward

So here we are – 31st December 2010.  How has 2010 been for you?  For many of us it would have been filled with good and bad, things we can change and things we can’t.  Like many people I have achieved some things I desire but not others.   We may be the only people who truly know what we want to put in and get out of our life.

I come to the end of 2010 with great gratitude for the many things that have gone well.  I feel reasonably healthy and safe.  I have good relationships and the opportunity and potential to continue to develop my skills and talents in various areas.  I am really pleased I took the leap of faith to publish my first book, launching it in the U.K. and in the Caribbean.  In that respect I’ve felt the fear and done it anyway.

Individually we may have many hopes and fears for 2011.  Some things are within our power; others are not.   For me a new year is about maintaining what is working well and reducing what is not working.  I value my relationships and my health and will continue to do so.  I intend to take another leap and write and publish another book – more info in due course.  I intend to improve my practice around meditating, exercising and de-cluttering.  These areas impact my mind, body and spirit so they are important.

Have you had a chance to reflect on the passing year and consider what you would like more or less of in 2011?  What would you like to see/do/feel/experience?  Do let me know.

I also hope that leaders and those with power are able to have a positive impact on our lives.  Despite the various troubled spots in the world, people are generally peaceful and generous.

Peace and love to you and yours.  Happy New Year.