An A-Z for your life – Care

Life is more interesting if we care about something and/or someone.  It starts with self-care otherwise we may not be around long enough to care for anyone or anything else.  But self-care alone can lead to a very narrow existence. Care…

An A-Z for your life – Body

Our bodies are so important to the pleasure we get out of life yet we often take them for granted.  It is so important that we look after our body and have a good relationship with it.  Many of us try to ignore the reality of being in a human…

An A-Z for your life – Behaviour

It is not just about attitude.  Our behaviour matters too.  There is no point in saying all the right things and then not following through with our actions.   Our behaviour is what the world sees of our heart.  The world sees our works…

An A-Z for your life – Attitude

So what is your attitude towards art and to your life as a whole?  It is the simple things that can sometimes make a big difference in how we approach life. I really think if we shared our insights and learning more it could have a wonderfully…