I stood with one hand under my chin, arms folded and looking at my feet. If you saw
me at a distance you’d think I was feeling miserable. The truth is I was enjoying the
sunshine and engrossed with the ladybird trying to climb up my shoes. A grounded
moment in a busy day.
What we are thinking and feeling is not always obvious to those around us. If our aim
is to deceive then that’s great but if we wish to deepen relationships and develop trust
then opening up is necessary. We could be smiling or crying on the inside, who
What we see from the outside is
always a partial picture of the
truth, and even we may not fully
understand ourselves.
For myself I find it is very powerful to be really seen, even if feedback is sometimes
difficult to receive. It is very exposing and moving to have someone give honest
feedback on how they experience us. With my clients I offer my reflections gently.
If we are experienced differently from what we believe to be the truth then it is up to us
to explore this. How are we living or being that gives them that impression? Is there a
conspiracy or is there some truth in how others experience you?
I would love to have your responses.